There are no definite ways to get visitors to convert. However, the golden rule is make the site as easy to use as possible! Web users are lazy, including myself. I can’t think of anything worse than reading a massive block of content or having to fill out my personal details every time I purchase something from a site. It is paramount that you put the effort in, so users don’t have to.
So here are some of my favourite blogs and infographics for guides on conversion and usability processes:
Kissmetrics: 9 Steps to Better Conversions
Kissmetrics: Why the Fold is a Myth
SEOmoz: The Definite How To for Conversion Rate Optimisation
Crazy Egg: Decrease Shopping Cart Abandonment
What could be simpler for readers of the Neil Walker Digital blog than a few good links? Why write reams of content when all people are really looking for are a few nuggets of worth?