Well since I started this site I’ve been on a mission to get my social profiles built up. So one of my first point of calls was Linkedin. I’ve been making contacts and so on and so forth and it’s been proving a useful tool. However I wondered if my profile page would appear in Google since I placed a link to it. My Profile Page is: http://www.linkedin.com/in/internetmarketingoptimisation so i typed into Google “Neil Walker SEO” and the result was for http://www.linkedin.com/pub/neil-walker/4/41a/793
Initially i couldn’t find my actual profile it hadn’t been cached but on checking today both pages are in Google’s cache. This made me think how many profiles are actually duplicated and isn’t this a bit of a waste from Linkedin’s perpective?
Everyone seems to put the link to their profile on their website or blog, yet from Linkedin’s internal linking they are promoting a different page.
I think this is some deffinite food for thought!
Does LinkedIn hire an SEO? How did it get popular so fast? The U.S. audience at LinkedIn neared its all-time high in July 2009 with about 8 million visitors, a 66% increase versus a year ago.