Conversion Rate Optimisation is communication

When it comes to converting your website visitors into actual customers, there are a few measures you can use to help improve your chances of success.
Providing an a tempting call-to-action, ensuring your content is search engine friendly, and incorporating engaging content and customer referrals can all help convince leads to invest.

In essence – the key to converting visitor to customer is simple: you need to demonstrate how your product will benefit them. You need to engage and impress – big time.
Which means that there is one dominating factor that everyone should place at the forefront of their Conversion Rate Optimisation aims – generating conversation.
You cannot engage, and you cannot persuade, if you can’t communicate effectively.
But before we go into this any further, let us first recap what Conversion Rate Optimisation actually is.

Conversion Rate Optimisation

Companies create websites for a variety of reasons. Yet one common factor is the same across the board. Companies invest in an online presence because they want to generate more business by reaching a wider audience on the web.
But the challenge is getting those who visit your website to take that vital next step – to become a fully fledged customer.
To do this, you need to ensure that your website has a high level of Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO).
But how can you ensure your website is doing this effectively?

How to convert site visitors into customers

We touched on a few key points earlier, but let’s explore this in more depth.
It’s all very well having an attractive website that entices leads. But to convert your visitors to paying customers, you’re going to need a whole lot more.
The first thing you need to do is make sure your website is user-friendly.
No one has the time or patience to wait for a website to slowly load. And you can’t expect people to stick around if it’s hard to navigate around your website.
If you want to check whether or not your website is fully optimised, visit your webpage via mobile and see how long it takes to load. Can you access every part of the website with ease? Do the pictures fit the screen properly?
If not, this could potentially be putting-off customers and slowing down business.
Another way to improve your CRO is to see how your website measures up against other online successes in the industry. Is there anything that they do well which you could incorporate? Is their site navigation clearer? Do they have better content?
Identify their strengths and then endeavour to offer something better.
You can’t deny the importance of customer service, as we’re sure you know. And this is just as important online as it is face to face.

So why is communication so important?

Think about it, what makes you purchase something online?
What is the one thing that always persuades you about whether this product is the one for you?
A clear and defined case as to why your customers need this product and how it will benefit their life is what is going to encourage your website visitors take the next step and become customers.
There’s no two ways about it.
And if you can’t communicate clearly with them – they’re just not going to buy your product.

Tips on how to communicate better

If your website isn’t communicating effectively, you’re reducing your own chance of making sales.
But how can you improve your communication efforts?
It’s quite simple, really.
One key area you should explore is taking the time to understand exactly what your customers want to know about your product, and also discover what they don’t.
An example of how you could do this by surveying customers you already have. But by simply taking the time to know your target audience, and then adapting your content to suit them, could make a world of difference.
Another way you can communicate better is by offering your product as a solution. By this, we mean identifying why your customer will need your item, and then telling them exactly how it will make their life better. Communicating in this way will establish your company as one that is there to help, not sell, which attracts more customers in the long run.
Using bullet points to explain key features of your product will also help your content to be more engaging. Splitting up large chunks of text will not only make your content more digestible, it will draw attention to key features of your services/product, which can help to ensure you’re communicating clear and concisely.
Another way to communicate better is to take your efforts one step further. To do this, you need to be making the most of all social media platforms to grow your brand awareness. By sharing engaging content with your customers, you’ll establish trust with them.
And if you go one step further and track how well your posts perform, you will then be able to identify even further what your customers are/aren’t interested in being communicated to them.

Would you like some more assistance with your CRO?

Here at Neil Walker Digital Group, we specialise in creating content and ensuring it reaches the right audience. At the very heart of everything we do is communication. We know how to engage, appeal and attract your customers via your website and marketing efforts.
If you’d like some assistance, then get in touch with us today on 07816897301.