Content Rules the World: 2014 predictions

2014 has already arrived at the Neil Walker Digital office with a bang, thanks to our latest report and the usual fun and merriment that Christmas brought to us. Now that things are settling down again though, we’re ready to get back to work and know that there’ll be a lot of changes in the year ahead.

The world of content marketing is always changing. Just a few years ago, content writers habitually used what would now be seen as horrifically black-hat techniques, all because the rules we’re now governed by didn’t exist back then. Now, though, we have to adhere to all kinds of guidelines, and many think that it’s becoming more and more difficult to get your writing featured anywhere.
However, here at Neil Walker Digital, we know that content isn’t dead. In fact, we realise that the reign of content is only just starting. The statement that ‘Content is King’ definitely hasn’t overstayed its welcome.
To give you the lay of the land for 2014 from a content perspective, here are ten of our predictions for 2014:

1) Less will be more

In 2013, content marketers were still focused on creating a substantial amount of content, rather than working on creating just one excellent piece of content. Now, though, marketers have started to notice the success of smaller chunks of content, which can be consumed by viewers and noticed much easier than a plethora of content that simply gets lost in the ether.
2) Written work will be overtaken by mixed media
Mixed media has been creeping in for a long time now, but many companies haven’t been embracing it. Content writers need to begin to realise that written work isn’t the be all and end all of content; Vine, GIFs, Instagram videos and other media types also count as content, and they can be much easier to achieve success with.
3) Sales will be driven by content
Clients want to be wooed with content. They want information about why your business is the best. The gift of the gab isn’t enough any more. Proving valuable content that’s packed with information about what your business can do for a particular client right from the get go, rather than simply once they’ve come on board, will give you a head start.
4) Content will be driven by current events
This is a prediction that a lot of companies have already integrated into their content strategies, but many are still lagging behind. 2014 is the year that those that don’t follow this tactic will be struck from the books though, as it’s becoming more and more important to write about what’s going on right now, otherwise your work is ignored.

5) Multi-lingual content will be a necessity
If you want to go global, you have to provide your potential customers with multi-lingual content. Hiring people in-house that can speak a number of languages will become a trend, as companies begin to translate work for greater reach.
6) Content reach will become paramount
Many companies are guilty of this sin: they create an excellent piece of content, and then fail to promote it once it’s been published. In 2014, we predict that companies will start to realise the importance of content reach, and will actively push their content through the correct channels to give it maximum coverage.

7) Interaction will follow the publishing process
Following on from the above prediction, interaction will become a key factor in content marketing. One of the best ways to get people to pay attention to your content is to interact with those that may show an interest in it, and to work hard at broadening the reach of your content by taking to social media. Making connections offline will also help to add people to your network, which will in turn give you a wider space in which to cast your net when publishing work.
8) Content teams will grow 
Marketing companies that either relied on tiny teams in 2013 or had no content department to speak of will suddenly expand this year, as they realise just how important content creation has become. Not only this though, but more web developers, designers and data-gurus will be hired to help with the creation of other content types.
9) Content writers will connect the dots to content marketing
A lot of content writers see themselves as just that – writers and nothing more. They’re clueless when it comes to search, but they’re excellent writers. They understand how to make a piece of writing read well, or how to come up with a fantastic idea for a video or Vine, but actually monitoring its success or heightening its performance through key search factors is beyond them. In 2014, more and more content writers will become content marketers, as they delve into the world of search.
10) PR will be embraced 
PR has long been a staple of content creation, but a lot of companies take it for granted. They fail to see its potential and don’t really understand how it works. You should have a separate PR campaign to your content one, and you should use it to its full advantage. A good PR campaign can put a company on the map, but not if you’re writing fluff pieces three weeks after the news broke.
In the coming months content will evolve, as it always does, in order to become an even greater marketing beast. Content is always going to be one of the most important pages in the book, and 2014 is going to be an excellent year for it and all those who work within it.
Do you have any other predictions for content marketing in 2014? Let us know by emailing us at [email protected].