Google adding Rich Snippets to Search

Going through my RSS feeds today and I stumbled across a Google post on Rich Snippets. I found this quite interesting and so read throught the related posts. Such as:

Basically in a nutshell Google are looking at displaying extra information within search results, (You can see an example here: “Drooling dog barbeque“. I’ve also reiterated it in the image above, basically it displays the reviews and the price range. To me this sound really Good, especially from a price comparisson point of view. This may start to effect some price comparisson websites as people may beable to view this information within the Google Search results. Also sites that Jump onto this first should see an increased click through rate on their results.

So my suggestion is have a look at your code go through the tips from Google and start coding!

1 thought on “Google adding Rich Snippets to Search”

  1. Google has been supporting Rich Snippets for a while, but they have improved the tools you can use to test them now. You can get a handy search result preview which shows you what Rich Snippet data it can extract for a URL you provide.

    Rich Snippets are bits of HTML which you can use to mark up common information such as contact details or product information. It makes no difference visually but browsers, search engines and so on can extract them. I think Google currently supports a bunch of microformats, including:

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