Google's Internet Revolution is a….blimp?

The Internet
The internet is a fantastic tool, it allows us to communicate with others and connect with anyone we wish around the world. For example did you realise that in 2012 there were over 2.4 billion internet users, 2.7 billion Facebook likes and 175 million tweets per day.
Since the days of dial up, we have seen many advancements in the distribution of the internet; from hard wired ethernet cable transmissions to wireless communications.
Google Blimps
However,  not everyone has been able to take advantage of these advancement. For continents such as Africa, along with  other “third world” areas there were simply no way of transmitting the internet so the residents situated throughout these areas would be unable to get online.
Now though Google has come to the rescue. They are beginning to figure out a way of transmitting the internet through blimps and other forms of airships.
I personally think that this is a fantastic way of transmitting the internet; my only worry though would be the sheer size of the blimps and if multiple blimps are needed then how efficient would this prove to be?
If Google are successful then 1 billion people in developing continents such as Africa could gain high speed internet access. Currently Africa is ranging from speeds of around 3 mbps.
Google Fiber
Google promises to broadcast speeds 100 times faster than the major ISP networks that are currently out there; this is thanks to their new Google Fiber service, however Google are far from completing this. As of now, there are still very few areas able to receive this service (the UK is not one of them).
[embedplusvideo height=”253″ width=”400″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=ffHLIZh0PHg&width=400&height=253&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep3663″ /] Here are a few pieces of information about the upcoming Google Fiber service:

  • There will be a free service that offers the average speed we currently have (4 mbps)
  • There will also be two paid services that offers the faster fiber speeds. One includes a TV package,  the other does not.

Network Science
How has network science had an effect in all this?
Personally I believe that this was always going to happen, ever since Google’s hub began through the creation of Google’s search engine. Once Google had become widely used for its search engine service, network science saw this and took over allowing for their services, such as Mail, Drive, and now Fiber; thus the hub of Google has become one of the biggest and most dominant hubs around.
Something To Think About
When will developing countries finally gain the wonders of the internet?
Will Google’s Fiber service really be as fast as it states?
Let Us Know
How fast is your internet connection? Is it perfect for your needs or do you need something with a little more kick? Let us know at [email protected]